What’s the purpose of teaching?

Social media is trending with the news of racism, white supremacy and terror attacks. These issues have moved me emotionally, made me cry, and have made me stop and reflect. Not only this they’ve made me feel more connected to others, and made me more aware of my thoughts and actions towards others as well. Trending hate crimes have made me want to share my thoughts with others, and made me want to change something about myself for the better. News spreading about hate crime has provoked me to write this new post. “What’s the purpose of education?”

I ask this question to myself: What’s the purpose of education? Is the purpose of education to educate or to inform? Are they the same thing? If not, what’s the difference? How are they correlated? I did a little bit of research and discovered that both these concepts are interrelated in a way, but still are very different. I found informing is to instruct (knowledge base/ content only) whereas educate is to instruct beyond learning; to be able to make good choices from right and wrong. Educate is to learn to be a good human. “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think.”- Albert Einstein

I wonder what the results would’ve been today, if we educated our kids at home and at school long before. The results would’ve been very different. Our society would have been more compassionate and caring towards one another. So, what can I do to make this change. What’s my responsibility? I believe my duty and responsibility as an educator is to create an environment, a place for love, tolerance, and kindness to form. This is not an easy task, but we can at least try and make it a work in progress.

Understanding that every student is filled with gifts regardless of outer appearances is very important. Recognizing that each student has something magical about them. Listening to our students and help them believe in themselves. Believing in our students. Giving them chances to succeed. Identifying each student strengths and support in building on their weaknesses. Creating a space in our classroom that’s conducive for collaborative learning and allows student to take risk for learning in a safe environment. Celebrating diversity everyday, every moment. Using inspirational text to help student’s learn to value others as much as they value themselves. In all, we can create a caring classroom by focusing on the power of good, the power of positive, the power of togetherness.

When we raise a generation of children with compassion, when parents make sure that their children know that they’re loved; when teachers truly educate and not just inform. We will have this planet inhabited by human families where our differences are used for recognition and not persecution. We are the ones who have to create the world you are hoping for. Eyes say it all. Be compassionate. This year, let’s try to achieve this by caring!

You can follow me on Twitter: @GuleriaCa