Why join Twitter chat?

Twitter is the most common microblogging tool. It first began in 2008 as a small SMS based community project; but now it’s one of the most popular social websites. Now, it allows us to post an update of 280 characters or less (letters, symbols, words, spaces and punctuations. I’ve been using twitter for five years, but I joined twitter chats only six months ago. So, what has changed?

I, know, it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. In these six months, I got to connect with many inspiring educators. Chatting with these inspiring educators on Twitter has sparked a flame in me to only be a better educator but also a better human. Collaborations with experts enlightens my experience as a teacher. Sometimes, I find resources that are already created and fit perfectly for my class. Incredible teachers on twitter also inspire me to become more efficient in creating and sharing resources. Blogs of teachers shared with me and available online have taught me far more about my profession. It has made my love stronger for teaching because I realize the importance it has on each individual in my class. My favourite part is teachers of all ages and nationalities come together to share their passion on the subject and students they teach. In these few months, I got to associate with many like minded people. Twitter has opened my mind to embrace different ideas and opinions. My teaching has gotten better too shaping how I teach.

Some of my favourite hashtags are #engagechat #satchat #ABCPeel #AssessPeel #elemmathchat #Peell21st #peelEML #stucentclass. Incredible educators that I’ve met and follow: @matthewoldridge, @MrSoclassroom, @cashjim, @ChouinardJahant, @daviswelcome, @cherandpete, @JeremyDBond, @ChrisQuinn64, and @TopDogTeaching.

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