#One Word 2018

It’s recently, I discovered about the movement of creating one word to guide one through the new year. For the past years, I clearly remember writing a long list of new year resolution’s. For example, loosing some 10 extra pounds that I gained by the end of the year, work hard, and take time out for self-care. And, I know that I lost track of my resolutions in the mid year. So, I wondered how One Word can replace on New Year’s Resolutions. I’m curious by nature. So, I started my little research on one word. I discovered One Word is a simple concept that can have powerful impact on life. Instead of creating number of New Year’s resolutions, focus on one word that would be driving force of the year. One Word.

How do I narrow down my list of new year resolution’s to one word? In the beginning, it seemed to be very hard. Despite, I continued to reflect on past years, and search my One Word for the year. Lately, I feel, life is rushing by at the lightning speed. My life feels like long work day after another with little else in between. As a work-centred culture, I feel that I skip lunch, I rush to pick kids at the end of the long day. And it’s no wonder that I feel exhausted. I realize and admit that I need to stop, breathe and get life, but I can’t seem to slow down. So, What’s going to be my #One Word for 2018? I think, I need to be ‘present’ in all moments of my daily life and cherish them. I found my #One Word ‘present’ for 2018. I want to improve this year quality of my life by being ‘present’.

Technological advancement and digital revolution has made our life very busy and complex. Smartphone has created numerous connections that I never imagined before. Not only I’ve made connections and relationships locally but internationally. This has lead to disengagement or disconnect from the ‘present’. Distractions and interruptions like email & twitter notifications-raise anxiety level and kick in the adrenaline response. This year, I want to eliminate that distracts me in subtle ways. For example, put my ringer off on from my phone. The phone that rings while I’m working, reading a good book, watching a movie, eating dinner with my family, or trying to sleep will keep my body on edge. I want to be ‘present’ in any given moment by creating a visual clarity. Being ‘present’ will help create soothing environment that will increase flow of creativity that comes from a relaxed state of mind. Also, I think I will be able to develop an attitude of gratefulness and appreciation, noticing the blessings of life before that were previously, missed when not fully ‘present’. I’m committing to high-quality life in 2018 by focusing on #One Word ‘present’.